Special Issue Announcement

Artificial intelligence in structural mechanics:
hoary chestnut or real revolution?

It is estimated that the term artificial intelligence (AI) was launched about 70 years ago. Since then, it has become increasingly used to solve various practical and scientific problems, also in structural mechanics. In recent years, there has been more and more discussion about future challenges and the development of AI. How does this relate to the area of structural mechanics? In which areas of structural mechanics are the applications of AI most sensible? What is the current trend of the application of AI in structural mechanics? Is it just forecasting the strength of materials, or is it something more? Which materials are most frequently analyzed using AI? Which algorithms are the most useful? How will AI help us to analyze entire structures? Are the applications of AI in structural mechanics once again a hoary chestnut, or maybe is this the time for a real revolution? It is planned that authors will try to answer these doubts in high quality scientific articles to be published in this special issue of Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica. I hope that the scientific discussion in this regard will bring us all closer to the answers to these exiting questions and challenges.

Special Issue Editor: Prof. Łukasz Sadowski
Łukasz Sadowski is a Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Wrocław University of Science Technology. He is the Head of the Department of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes. He is the fellow of Foundation for Polish Science and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He is the senior member of RILEM and young member of Polish Academy of Sciences. Prof. Sadowski is a passionate about searching for relationships between scientific paradigms and practical rules in construction, especially in materials engineering, non-destructive testing, surface engineering, construction processes and artificial intelligence.

Contact to Editor: lukasz.sadowski@pwr.edu.pl

Deadline for submissions: December 15th, 2024

Special issue release date: May 15th, 2025